Offers/Requests Examples
Proposals to sell and give away
A simple proposal with reciprocity expected, then another one to give the item away.
# Example: Simple proposals based on one intent
- '@vocab':
- alice: https://alice.example/
map: https://mapping.service/
# One offer with expected reciprocity
- '@id': alice:8791913c-0152-4c32-bb3f-f25d61df736c
'@type': Proposal
purpose: offer
name: Used bike
hasBeginning: 2019-03-01T00:00:00-5:00
hasEnd: 2019-03-31T00:00:00-5:00
eligibleLocation: map:566a2c01-96f8-4b3c-adcf-f197eced3092 # Madison, WI
- '@id': alice:02b39a30-3e04-4305-9656-7f261aa63c84
'@type': Intent
name: Old adult Schwinn one speed bike
note: Pedals fine, not good for hills, has basket, brakes are a bit dodgy
action: transfer
provider: https://alice.example/
resourceConformsTo: wd:Q11442 # bicycle
- '@id': alice:e72f7d1d-4f0a-4518-a44c-96658cafda95
'@type': Intent
name: Payment
action: transfer
receiver: https://alice.example/
resourceConformsTo: wd:Q4917 # US Dollar
hasUnit: one
hasNumericalValue: 15
# Alice did not get any responses to her proposal above, so decided to offer the bike for free
- '@id': alice:8e5fe80d-a769-4bd5-89e5-2136d33eab9f
'@type': Proposal
purpose: offer
name: Free used bike
hasBeginning: 2019-04-01T00:00:00-5:00
hasEnd: 2019-05-01T00:00:00-5:00
eligibleLocation: map:566a2c01-96f8-4b3c-adcf-f197eced3092 # Madison, WI
- '@id': alice:02b39a30-3e04-4305-9656-7f261aa63c84 # the intent (this is the same intent alice originally published)
Proposal in timebank
A simple proposal for a timebank. The reciprocity is assumed based on the timebank policies.
# Example: Simple proposal in a timebank
- '@vocab':
- bob: https://bob.example/
timebank: https://timebank.example/
# Timebank request, reciprocity defined in the timebank agreement (hour credits)
- '@id': bob:23799c14-c368-4653-a584-83bf9ae8b82a
'@type': Proposal
purpose: request
name: Seeking plumbing help
hasBeginning: 2019-04-01T00:00:00-5:00
hasEnd: 2019-04-05T00:00:00-5:00
inScopeOf: https://timebank.example/
- '@id': bob:e18c808c-929a-450d-9d0d-3b3f531bc126
'@type': Intent
name: Plumbing help please
note: Need someone with plumbing skills to fix leaky faucet and plugged drain asap
action: work
receiver: https://bob.example/
resourceConformsTo: wd:Q252924 # plumber
Proposal for barter
A simple proposal for barter.
# Example: Simple proposal for barter
- '@vocab':
- carol: https://carol.example/
map: https://mapping.service/
- '@id': carol:6405b8ad-0ac2-4d58-abdb-0808903c78ad
'@type': Proposal
purpose: request
name: Cider press for cider
hasBeginning: 2018-10-01T00:00:00-5:00
hasEnd: 2018-10-15T00:00:00-5:00
eligibleLocation: map:566a2c01-96f8-4b3c-adcf-f197eced3092 # Madison, WI
- '@id': carol:e02e3f6b-420a-4ba8-89b0-909d7363ce07
'@type': Intent
name: Cider press
note: I can pick up or come to your place, will clean up.
action: use
receiver: https://carol.example/
resourceConformsTo: wd:Q1111 # cider press (fictional)
hasUnit: hour
hasNumericalValue: 6
- '@id': carol:b52a5815-fae9-43bf-be95-833b95dc0adb
'@type': Intent
name: Cider
note: Fresh cider from the pressing
action: transfer
provider: https://carol.example/
resourceConformsTo: wd:Q5977438 # apple cider
hasUnit: gallon-US
hasNumericalValue: 3
Proposal for work commitment
A simple proposal requesting help for work on a planned production process. The reciprocal intent (payment) is based on the actual hours that will be worked.
# Example: Simple proposal for commitment to an intent on a planned process
- '@vocab':
- fablab: https://fablab.example/
map: https://mapping.service/
# Plan a process, publish request for worker with certain skills to collaborate
- '@id': fablab:ad56a7ed-be3c-4937-a3fb-0f156bcd2c47
'@type': Process
name: Develop soil moisture sensor
unitBased: true
inScopeOf: https://fablab.example/
- '@id': fablab:60f4204e-b8d2-4026-8577-102c3f82c0af
'@type': Intent
inputOf: fablab:ad56a7ed-be3c-4937-a3fb-0f156bcd2c47
name: Help with R&D for the sensor
note: Will need to be at the lab all day both days. It possibly could extend to a third day.
action: work
receiver: https://fablab.example/
resourceConformsTo: wd:Q2474620 # electrochemical engineering
hasUnit: hour
hasNumericalValue: 1
hasUnit: hour
hasNumericalValue: 16
hasBeginning: 2019-04-12T08:00:00-5:00
hasEnd: 2019-04-13T17:00:00-5:00
# other planned inputs here
- '@id': fablab:33e8933b-ff73-4a01-964a-ca7a98893083
'@type': Proposal
name: Electrochemical engineering skills
hasBeginning: 2019-04-01T08:00:00-5:00
hasEnd: 2019-04-11T17:00:00-5:00
eligibleLocation: map:566a2c01-96f8-4b3c-adcf-f197eced3092 # Madison, WI
- '@id': fablab:60f4204e-b8d2-4026-8577-102c3f82c0af # the Intent that was planned
- '@id': fablab:583e83d9-a46d-44ff-bd71-88513a1d83c0
'@type': Intent
name: Payment
note: Payment when the unit is manufactured and sold
action: transfer
provider: https://fablab.example/
resourceConformsTo: wd:Q4917 # US Dollar
hasUnit: one
hasNumericalValue: 30
Proposals for price list
A simple set of proposals that make up a price list.
# Example: Simple price list
- '@vocab':
- farm: https://farm.example/
map: https://mapping.service/
# Price list
- '@id': farm:da7bfa38-a1b2-4f6f-a896-b9bf1ec88dr9
'@type': ProposalList
name: Price List for Week of March 1
- '@id': farm:da7bfa38-a1b2-4f6f-a896-b9bf1ec8807a
'@type': Proposal
hasBeginning: 2019-03-01T00:00:00-5:00
hasEnd: 2019-03-31T00:00:00-5:00
eligibleLocation: map:566a2c01-96f8-4b3c-adcf-f197eced3092 # Madison, WI
unitBased: true # often currently called 'unit pricing'
- '@id': farm:c7897c39-7f05-4a5d-a487-80e130a24345
'@type': Intent
name: Carrots case 25#
action: transfer
provider: https://farm.example/
resourceClassifiedAs: wd:Q81 # carrot
resourceSpecifiedAs: farm:2402b57c-1c45-423a-acb2-f50961c97d65 # 25 pound case organic carrots seconds
hasUnit: one
hasNumericalValue: 1
- '@id': farm:0f563083-7f05-4a5d-a487-80e130a24345
'@type': Intent
name: Payment
action: transfer
receiver: https://farm.example/
resourceConformsTo: wd:Q4917 # US Dollar
hasUnit: one
hasNumericalValue: 18
- '@id': farm:f47064eb-7120-4b31-b882-770165901fe6
'@type': Proposal
hasBeginning: 2019-03-01T00:00:00-5:00
hasEnd: 2019-03-31T00:00:00-5:00
eligibleLocation: map:566a2c01-96f8-4b3c-adcf-f197eced3092 # Madison, WI
unitBased: true
- '@id': farm:54b814ee-62dc-40c1-bb96-f8582aa4f771
'@type': Intent
name: Beets case 25#
action: transfer
provider: https://farm.example/
resourceClassifiedAs: wd:Q165437 # beet root
resourceConformsTo: farm:8baa8ff7-9c1e-4586-ae7b-79d620a3cac9 # 25 pound case organic beets
hasUnit: one
hasNumericalValue: 1
- '@id': farm:21f361a6-2375-46bb-b192-c21b5ba833bf
'@type': Intent
name: Payment
action: transfer
receiver: https://farm.example/
resourceConformsTo: # US Dollar
hasUnit: one
hasNumericalValue: 32